Hey, Black Boy! 2


By Isaiah Jamal, Dean Okai Jr. and Shamari Fletcher

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Isaiah Jamal is 1o years old and wants to be a professional athlete when he is older. He is a fan of Usain Bolt and is the 3rd fastest runner in his school. He enjoys rapping, drawing, playing video games and public speaking.  Hey, Black Boy! 2 is his first book. He is a member of his local football club and has won awards for being kind and sportsmanship. Isaiah also enjoys  doing presentations in his church.

Dean Okai Jr. is 12 years old and is a talented entrepreneur who has his own business 'Draw World' where he is commissioned to create designs which he sells for a profit. Dean was really excited to write Hey, Black Boy! 2. He is a prolific public speaker and is home schooled. Dean loves cats and lives with two at home. 

Shamari Fletcher is 13 years old and wants to be a boxer and chef when he is older. He practices his boxing moves on his punch bag daily and his favourite meal is Pasta Bake but he prefers to cook chicken. He has created a speciality dish called ‘Shamari’s Special.’ Shamari is part of a Dance Group and has won over 35 awards, he practices his street dance moves on average 7 hours a week. His favourite music artist is Swarmz, he loved writing Hey, Black Boy! 2 and also enjoys playing Fortnite. His favourite school subjects are Food Technology and Art.